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Women’s Golf Day takes centre stage at La Hacienda Links Golf Resort

7 junio, 2023 | Redacción

Located in the Cadiz municipality of San Roque close to Sotogrande, La Hacienda Links has undergone a major redevelopment in the last 12 months

La Hacienda Links, Women's Day,

La Hacienda Links

La Hacienda Links Golf Resort was the place to be at the start of this month as the vibrant Spanish resort celebrated Women’s Golf Day 2023 with an international event full of colour, flair and fun-packed activities on and off the golf course.

Around 50 ladies from countries including France, Germany, England and the home nation gathered at the 36-hole resort on Spain’s famous Costa del Sol for an evening of entertainment to mark Women’s Golf Day, which for the first time this year was a week-long global celebration from May 30 to June 6.

Taking place at La Hacienda’s recently upgraded driving range on June 1, the two-and-a-half hour event for players and non-golfers based in and around Sotogrande was sold out, with all guests requested to wear white and presented by the resort with a red cap – the colour of the Women’s Golf Day movement.

As well as enjoying a series of activities and competitions for all levels organised by head pro Victor Garcia and his expert coaching team, attendees were treated to a selection of drinks, cocktails and tapas at La Hacienda’s renowned Sal Verde Restaurant. Prizes were awarded to the winners of the different activities, with a DJ on hand to ensure the evening went with an added swing.

The event was the second major celebration of women’s golf by La Hacienda Links Golf Resort in as many months after the leading Spanish venue staged a weekend golf extravaganza at the end of April to celebrate hosting the iconic Solheim Cup trophy.

Officials at the up-and-coming resort on marked the three-day visit of the most famous prize in women’s team golf by planning a series of events, culminating in a special ‘Race to Solheim Cup 2023’ tournament on La Hacienda’s redesigned Links course, as the build-up continues to the 2023 Solheim Cup, which will take place at Finca Cortesin Hotel, Golf & Spa in September.

Ana Berbel, director of sales and marketing at La Hacienda Links Golf Resort, said: “It was fantastic to welcome so many ladies to the resort for the event in such a key year for women’s golf in Spain and the Costa del Sol region.

The evening was a huge success, we have received some great feedback from everyone that took part and the event is further proof of women’s golf in the area continuing to go from strength to strength.”

Located in the Cadiz municipality of San Roque close to Sotogrande, La Hacienda Links Golf Resort has undergone a major redevelopment in the last 12 months that has seen the venue establish itself as one of the rising stars of European golf.

In addition to the relaunch of its renowned Links course last summer after a major renovation, the opening of a new clubhouse and the announcement of a new Fairmont hotel to open in 2024, the resort is carrying out a fresh series of upgrades to its golf and leisure amenities including new investment on its other 18-hole layout, the Heathland course.

Other future improvements include the launch of a new state-of-the-art website, a variety of updated stay-and-play packages and the opening of a new halfway house for players on the Links course, while La Hacienda will fully launch a new 300-plus-room Fairmont hotel and villas in spring 2024 – underlining the resort’s ambition to become one of the most exclusive and luxurious golf developments in Spain.

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Fuente: La Hacienda Links Golf Resort

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